Been a while...

It has been a while since I posted anything here. Although I have a lot of stories in my head, I never get to blog because a) I never have the energy at the end of the day, b) I am lazy, c) I lack the inspiration and d) I am lazy. I have come to terms with my laziness. I noticed it a long time ago and made friends with it. But the problem lies with the fact that when you are lazy and you lack the inspiration, the combination tends to be disastrous.

I have also a bit of a problem with writing about me. Seriously, other than my mother and a couple of my friends who would be interested in reading a blog about my life, I can't think of anyone who would want to read my dribble. Besides the obvious laziness, I am not that exciting a person. I do not lead a very exciting life. For example, here is the most exciting thing that happened to me all weekend:

I decided to sleep in today. It was Sunday, for goodness sake, and Sunday mornings are meant to be lazy. I had stayed up late the night before watching television and I wanted to luxuriate in sleeping in. I had a very interesting dream about a person I had not thought much about the last few months until he suddenly popped into my head unexpectedly last night. I had been congratulating myself on the fact that I had not thought about him in a long time, but apparently my subconscious took that to mean that I needed to have a dream about him. I will not bore myself or you with the stupid dream. But after I woke up from the remnants of my dream and getting up at 6:30 this morning to let the dogs out, the only thing I was interested in was going back to sleep. I got warm and cozy and back to dreamland I went. I was having the best sleep of my life when my nose started twitching. There was this HORRENDOUS smell in my room and I could not figure out where it was coming from nor why it had chosen to waft into my room and disturb my sleep. I kept fighting the urge to wake up, but I eventually had to throw in the towel. The smell just kept intruding.

I felt Chip jump onto my bed. Chip is our Jack Russell Terrier, who likes to climb all over me, especially when I am sleeping. He is not very big, but is very solid. At first, I thought he was the one bringing in the smell with him. He curled up next to me and after giving him a good whiff, despite his very loud objections, I determined that he smelled like him and he wasn't the source of the smell. My barely awake brain suddenly made a connection as I realized that I knew what the horrendous smell was. SKUNK! But why would a skunk be in my room? I was too comfortable to want to get up and find out, as well as lazy, but the smell kept getting stronger and stronger and it smelled like there was a odorific skunk in my room right next to me. That could not be, could it? I mean, where in blazes would a skunk come from and why would it be in our property let alone in my room? Well, it turns out that a skunk did make it into our property and somehow got into an altercation with Dixie, our boxer. Apparently, the skunk lost, but not before getting in a couple of squirts of that wonderful smelling substance they are known to make. Oh joy!

My whole house smells like skunk. Research on the internet shows that that skunk smell with be with me for a few days. Dixie smells like a skunk and carries the smell wherever she goes. I have found a concoction that will help with the smell, but will not be able to use it until tomorrow. I have been airing my house, but the smell is starting to make me feel dizzy and is giving me a headache. She is not too happy at being left outside to rusticate so she does not bring in the horrendous smell and intoxicate me while I sleep. She keeps whining. I have a feeling that I will be giving in just so I can get some sleep.

And to add insult to injury, as I was on my way out to go help my mom with some baking, I discovered the skunk's tail in my living room. Urgh! And my dad was not home so he could not come and remove it right away. I had to wait for hours in my room until he got home so he could come and get it out. I was not going anywhere near it. If there is anything that freaks me out and I totally don't do is touch dead animals. I don't freak out if I see crawly spiders, mice, rats or any weird or ugly animals that would wig out any other females out there, but dead animals...I can't abide by them! There is a reason for it, but that is a story for another day.


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